Thursday, August 25, 2016

Psychic Bob's Horoscopes - Thursday, August 25, 2016


 by Bob Hickman


Today our Moon is in Gemini. This brings a sense of balance and cooperation to our day. An excellent day for focusing on partnerships, both business and personal.
Gemini is an Air Sign, thus lending power for communications and exchange of ideas.
Gemini energy can be challenging in that it can bring out botht the good side and bad side for everything. Keep focus on the good side, but be aware of the more negative aspects that this sign can bring out such as emotional extremes and pettiness.  



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, today is an excellent day to revisit old friendships that have been put aside. You will find people want to "see" you and "know" you. An excellent day to hold business meetings and launch new initiatives. People around you are cooperative. Take advantage of the current "peace." Wear sea blue for harmony.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the energy of the Gemini Moon is helping you to put away the past, and look towards the future. By simply "being present" for those who need to talk, you will generate much good will today. As the day moves on, you will have sense of support and well-being. Wear white for being a channel.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini,  today is your power day! The Moon in your Sign is bringing you a sense of power, balance, and timing. Focus on being the best you can be today, and you will see that others are supporting you. An excellent day for winning friends and influencing others. Wear gold to shine!

Cancer (June 21-July22)

Cancer, the Gemini Moon is helping you to see "all" side of a current situation. As you are a natural intuitive of the Zodiac, listen to your inner voice. There is more behind "mere words" that you see. Trust your instincts now. Watch for a new friendship to form in the coming days. Wear deep shades of blue and green for psychic power.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, the Air energies of the Gemini Twins is helping you to psychically connect with others. You now command the power of telepathy, so be careful what you project from your mind. People are receptive and willing to hear you. Be clear in your speech and though for maximum success.  Wear black for psychic power.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, the Air energies of the Gemini Moon are now stimulating your intellectual thought process. Be open to "new and innovative" ideas and approaches to current problems. Team work is highlighted, so try to remember to be open to others' input. An excellent day for mixing business and pleasure. Wear gray for serene power.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, the Air energies of the Gemini Moon are like refreshment to your soul today. Be open to new friendships, and exchange of ideas. Your intellectual side is in full gear now, so trust your "smarts." An excellent day for business partnerships as well as catching up with old friends. Wear yellow for Air power.

 Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, the power of the Gemini Moon is helping you to connect with others for a positive interaction. Be open now to career opportunities that may come as a result of a social encounter. People want to "hear" you. Share your thoughts, ideas, visions. Wear green for financial blessings.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius, today is the day for breaking out of old patterns. Be open to exploring new ways of living, and know that there are others who are helping you to move forward in life. An excellent day for connecting with your Higher Self and letting the Light of the Spirit World illumine your mind. Wear blue and white for being a clear channel.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, with the Gemini Moon rising, you are feeling like "emerging" from your lair. Take time today to stop, reflect, and move in a new direction if necessary. Pay attention to family memembers who want your time and advice. Your intuition is strong, so use it to help others. An excellent day for venturing into new locations and considering new living arrangements. Wear lavender for intuitive power.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius,  the Gemini Moon is empowering you. You will feel bold, and brave, and ready for new adventures today. Follow through on plans to achieve long-term goals. You will find that others are now helping you to realize your dreams. Call upon the Spirit for guidance in all things. Wear navy blue for balance.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, the Air energies of the Gemini Moon are helping you to connect to others now. Be open to partnerships, friendships, and new business opportunities. Financial blessings are coming to you, but you must listen to the advice of those guiding you for maximum success. As evening approaches, be open to fun flirtation that could lead to more. Wear red for power.


 Psychic Bob Hickman is long-time practicing professional psychic and a well-known media personality. Over the past 20 years he has been featured in print media, as well as done appearances on various radio and television shows around the country.
He is a published author of several books on the paranormal, as well as a YouTube celebrity with over 10,000 views each month. You can see Psychic Bob's weekly psychic-themed videos at his YouTubeChannel at SpiritChannel.
If you would like to schedule Psychic Bob as a guest for your radio or TV show, please contact him at his office at 571-483-2112.
Your can also visit him at his official website:

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